Enrich Your Code with High Performance Database and Business APIs

Easy development for busy developers. Login2Xplore offers ready to use JsonPowerDB API for making you work efficiently, effectively and faster, which helps you keep an edge over your competitors.

Vivifying Data Processing

Founded to build power data structures using C++, Java and other core technologies to meet the requirements of generating fast / real-time information out of un-managed / unexpected data explosion happening in data industry.


Java Database and Indexing Engine

Real-time, simple, light weight, high performance, stable and robust Java Database and Indexing Engine. Manages data / objects in multiple-column, key-value pair, in-memory Data Structures...more


Database Server with REST based Micro-services Developer API

High Performance, Light Weight, Simple to Use, Real-time, RESTful Web Services Json Database Server - Energized by an instance of PowerIndeX...more


Features of JsonPowerDB
A Pure Json Database and much more...

Json is having explosive growth in recent years and is becoming the de-facto standard for storing data and data communications. It is low level (raw) form of data and is also human readable. More and more databases are now partially or fully supporting Json data. A very few are pure JSON databases. JsonPowerDB is one of those rare. On top of it, its World's first IDBMS (Indexed Database Management System) with lightning fast performance. Although it has many unique features, the combination of features is also an USP.

Document Store

Can store structured / semi-structured and unstructured data along with other types of files and big-data.


Free from technology constraints - Low-Code and easy to use from any technology via HTTP Rest API.

DBaaS - A Database SAAS

Available as shared environment or as independent server on Internet / Intranet / Extranet / Cloud.

Multi-Layer Security

Multiple layers of security with dynamic connection tokens, secure DATA at movement and at rest.

High Availability

Seamless DATA availability using Intelligent and Dynamic Replication Management.

In-Memory IDBMS

World's First In-Memory Indexed DBMS that is Secure, Fast, Easy with High Availability.

Support Millions of Indexes

Can manage over a million indexed columns for every table within a database in JsonPowerDB instance.


Dynamic relational constraints while using CRUD operations. i.e. Relational data can be managed without pre-defining PK, FK, UK, databases, tables etc.

Key-Value Store API

Key-Value Pair DBMS and API that can be useful for caching and session management to accelerate application DATA and other resources.

GeoSpatial API

Do analysis and reveal patterns and trends that are related to location data and/or in respect to time on the Earth's surface.

Serverless Support

Minimum learning curves, builds faster, cuts time to market, reduces the development cost.

Pluggable API Framework

Plugin New features and customized API into a running JsonPowerDB instance with zero downtime.

Pluggable Drive APIs

All in one ready to use Drive Backend. Easy to upload, download and manage both text, binary, media and Big-data files.

Pluggable Import APIs

Import data from CSV / JSON Files. Other file formats will be added soon.

Real-time DBMS

AI Javascript library to sync DATA dynamically on client's local storage in real-time for seamless experience.


Low Code Javascript library to speedup the front-end development and performance.

Querying Multiple Databases

Allows querying multiple databases which is as simple and fast as querying on single database.


Native Server-Side NoSQL scripting, suitable for high performance real-time data processing.


Various screenshots to give a look and feel of JsonPowerDB Dashboard and / or related screens.

jQuery Sample Code Snippet - All request uses same coding syntax

// Code snippet for jQuery request and response to JsonPowerDB
// Creating a request object
var requestObject = {
    token: [connectionTokenString],
    rel: [relationNameString],
    cmd: [commandString],
    jsonStr: [jsonData]

// request object to json object
var jsonRequest = JSON.stringify(requestObject);

// calling api using post method
$.post([apiURL], jsonRequest,  function (result) {
    var respObject = jQuery.parseJSON(result);
    var status = respObject['status'];
    if (status === 200) {
        // Code for successful response.
    } else {
        // Code for other status


Journey Till Now

JsonPowerDB - Multimode Pluggable API DBMS: Release

Major development and release happened during Covid-19 pandemic in the lockdown period. This release Added very useful APIs (1) Started supporting GEOSpatial APIs - with serverless features. (2) RDBMS using SET & SET_ALL command API to serve both PUT and UPDATE with soft-unique-key implementation. (3) Serverless universal Big Counter / Accumulator API. Introduction of Pluggable API Framework - A new pluggable API "PowerDrive" introduced. Completed Phase-2 of RDBMS for primary key and foreign key soft constraints. Added time statistics in all API responses. Completed Phase-3 of Pluggable API Framework to include global configuration properties that controls the usage of API globally for all users.

The Real-time DBMS: Release

JsonPowerDB Major releases during this period with many new exciting features - High Performance Key-Value DB API, Magical NoSQL with dynamic run-time joins, Lightning fast JsonPowerSQL for solving complex conditions, Connection-token to access all JPDB Rest APi's, Backup & Restore of User database, Commit & Recovery of User data. DBTable.js front-end tool for real-time data. Many new and improved API commands, Some of the important bugs are fixed.

JsonPowerDB - Birth of a Next Generation DBMS: Release 0.3.2

HTTP Rest API based JsonPowerDB 0.2.7 beta released in Dec-2017. This is a major release with many exciting features including easy to use NoSQL with querying multiple databases, Serverless API support, Company and Developer Dashboard. May 2018 - JsonPowerDB_0_3_2.20180507 beta released. Another major release focused mainly on API security, Improved support for Serverless. Now a JPDB user / developer will be able to set SMTP settings and send emails using API. Session management API is added. API access security layers added. Some of the important bugs are fixed.

Indexing Engine - Idea to Realization

Mid 2014: The Brain Child started growing in the Subconscious Mind. PowerIndex as a Proof of Concept was ready by Oct 2015. Stability and Performance were found outstanding in comparison to many popular databases. Apart from PowerIndeX, a few more ideas are taking shape... PowerArraY, PowerCollator, Json Database etc.

Get in touch

Connect with us for your interest in high performance Data Analytics, Real-time processing of Streaming Data, IoT or any kind of data processing, big-data application requirements, We definitely come out with best performance, secure and most feasible solution with utmost quality.

Indore(MP) - India